Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Google Chrome Released!

Today Google did something we have all been awaiting and expecting for years, and we were right to do so- Google Chrome is officially in Beta release, what is Chrome you ask? Chrome is Google's new web browser. From what I have heard on the front lines of tech news is that Chrome is shaping up to be the new lead browser, with sand-boxing (meaning each tab in the browser is a separate process, so if one tab crashes, your whole browser wont crash), a simple UI (the cornerstone of the Google enterprise) and full open-source (this means were going to see millions of extensions and mods) we can expect great things. The one flaw in the release is that currently there is no Linux or Mac release available, but it is apparently 'in the works', so hopefully some time this month we will see a Linux beta for me to review. If you run Windows XP/SP2 or Vista (why?!) then head over to http://www.google.com/chrome and check it out!