Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Multi-GNOME-Terminal (MGT)

So this really impressed me. I was trying to remember how to make nice looking terminals with split-screen when I stumbled upon MGT. As the name suggests, it's a terminal emulator for Ubuntu that supports some form of 'multiism' (not a word, but looks cool huh'). Basically MGT was made specifically for 'power' users, which basically means I have fallen in love with it. I've attached a screen shot to this post to illustrate my point, in the screenshot I am only using three terminals, one for Htop, MPlayer and Irssi. I highly suggest MGT for any used who want to try their hand at multi-terminal usage. You can grab MGT right now with this command..

sudo apt-get install multi-gnome-terminal

Enjoy, and may the multiism be with you! heh'

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