Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Picking a distro, made easy!

Okay, this is going to be another relatively short post once again, Im sorry. One of the most common questions we are faced with in ##linux on IRC is "What is the right distro for me? I am into ". And nine times out of ten we will link you to a handy site named DistroWatch.
DistroWatch's main aim is to provide resources for people either having trouble picking a distro, or who want more information on a specific distro. I personally didn't use DistroWatch myself when picking out my first Linux distro- a friend suggested Ubuntu and I trusted him and went with it, and haven't looked back. Of course a lot of the time, im afraid to say; it comes down to trial and error, pick a distro you think will suit you, try it out and if you decide it isn't for you, move on. But I'm going to do a backflip here and also suggest you give it time, no distro is perfect for everyone under its default configuration. So play around with it and explore, you may surprise yourself!

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